Tag Archives: Khanom Beach

Today’s news-July 12


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Sustainability: UN Praises Thailand’s Progress/Thaicom showcases carbon platform/Firm making traceable, forest-friendly tea/Thailand’s Green Tourism Revolution/Seminar Champions Sustainability in Thailand/Energy: Disappointed by new power plan/Sena zeroes in on solar panel installation/Hi-MO X6 Lights Up Thai Hospital/China is building two-thirds of new wind and solar/What other ASEAN members can learn from Vietnam/Water: IUCN-led initiative wins the Ocean Award/Electric vehicles: EV makers to look for export markets/GAC AION charges ahead in Thailand/Indonesia’s strategic EV battery ambitions/Wildlife: Plan to protect pink dolphins/Ecotourism: ‘Tourism Cares’ hotels committed to sustainable leisure/

UN Praises Thailand’s Progress on Sustainable Goals

The United Nations (UN) has praised Thailand for its success in achieving the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to Interior Ministry Permanent Secretary Suttipong Juljarern.

Suttipong recently mentioned this success, as well as the success in his Change for Good policy, on the second anniversary of Thailand’s agreement with the UN in 2022 to pursue the SDGs. He said the UN praised Thailand as a model for the world because the country has made real progress in the pursuit since the agreement was made. Continued … 

Thaicom showcases carbon platform

Thaicom has unveiled “CarbonWatch”, ASEAN’s first carbon-credit platform powered by satellite and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

The platform was certified by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization last month and aims to cash in on the company’s space tech economy segment. Continued … 

Meet Monsoon: the firm making traceable, forest-friendly tea

Tea is the world’s second most consumed beverage after water – around the world an estimated 5 billion cups of tea are drunk every day. Tea’s huge market value – USD 120 billion in 2023 – is matched by its outsized environmental impact.

In the world’s major tea growing regions, monoculture tea plantations are responsible for deforestation, high freshwater withdrawals, and pesticide and fertilizer use that undermines soil health and harms local biodiversity. Continued … 

Thailand’s Green Tourism Revolution

Socialgiver has joined forces with the Tourism Authority of Thailand’s Stockholm office, aiming to reshape the tourism landscape in the Nordic and Baltic regions through the Meaningful Travel campaign. This innovative partnership seeks to promote responsible tourism by integrating sustainable practices into the heart of Thailand’s tourism industry.

The campaign is a call to action for Thai businesses, from luxe hotels to quaint restaurants and exhilarating activity providers, urging them to contribute to the preservation of Thailand’s verdant landscapes, with a special focus on the protection of its iconic big trees. A notable part of the campaign’s proceeds will bolster the efforts of the Big Trees Foundation, a pivotal organization dedicated to the conservation of Thailand’s natural heritage. Continued … 

Baker McKenzie Seminar Champions Sustainability in Thailand

Baker McKenzie recently hosted a seminar titled “Playing by the Green Rules,” featuring speakers from Thailand’s government and a multi-disciplinary team of senior lawyers from the firm. The seminar discussed the latest sustainability regulatory landscape, Thailand’s energy transition journey, and how Thai businesses could best respond.

This event, part of a firmwide initiative celebrating Baker McKenzie’s 75th anniversary, highlights the Bangkok office’s commitment to advancing sustainability in Thailand. Continued … 

FTI disappointed by new power plan

The state plan to reduce biomass and biogas fuels in the new power development plan (PDP) has disappointed the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), which wants the authorities to maintain or increase their proportion to make better use of agricultural waste.

Though the PDP, scheduled to be enforced from 2024 to 2037, promotes greater use of renewable power, the plan emphasizes solar energy, with less focus on biomass and biogas contributions. Continued … 

Sena zeroes in on solar panel installation

Sena Development will continue to focus on rooftop solar panel installation to support its goal of becoming a zero-energy house (ZEH) developer.

Solar power is an essential part of ZEH development, utilizing proper insulation and built using superior building systems. It is so energy-efficient that it generates as much renewable energy as it consumes, resulting in a net-zero energy bill for occupants. Continued … 

Hi-MO X6 Lights Up Thai Hospital, Bringing Sustainable Power to Healthcare

Stable power supply is essential for the continuous operation of healthcare facilities. With Hi-MO X6 solar panels, Phraphrom Hospital has become a great example of sustainable healthcare.

Phraphrom Hospital, as a public healthcare institution, has been providing reliable and convenient medical services to residents. However, it currently faces the dual challenge of limited budget and high energy demands. Continued … 

China is building two-thirds of new wind and solar globally

Almost two-thirds of big wind and solar plants under construction globally are in China, where surging renewable capacity has squeezed coal’s generation share to new lows, research released on Thursday showed.

China is building 339 gigawatts (GW) of utility-scale wind and solar, or 64% of the global total, a report from U.S.-based think tank Global Energy Monitor (GEM) found. That is more than eight times the project pipeline of the second-place United States, with 40 GW. Continued … 

What other ASEAN members can learn from Vietnam’s renewable boom

With energy demand projected to increase threefold between 2020 and 2050, Southeast Asia’s energy transition is important in reducing global emissions. Yet, progress has been slow. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates renewable capacity to grow by 63.1 gigawatts by 2028 — a fraction of the 229 gigawatts of new wind and solar capacity needed by 2030 for the region to keep the IEA’s net zero emissions scenario within reach.

ASEAN is far from meeting this net zero target and needs stronger policy interventions. Luckily, ASEAN members can look to Vietnam for ideas on solar and wind expansion. Continued … 

IUCN-led initiative in Thailand wins the Ocean Award 2024

The Mirpuri Foundation and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) have announced the winner of the Ocean Award 2024. This year’s prize marks a significant collaboration between the two organizations, emphasizing their combined effort to address pressing environmental challenges and paving the way for a more sustainable future.

The award recognizes excellence in the scientific community and rewards innovative projects with a positive impact on ocean health. This year, the award goes to an IUCN-led initiative titled “Strengthening Community Engagement and Improvement of Community-based Waste Management at Baan Koh Mook, Koh Libong Subdistrict, Thailand.” Continued … 

EV makers advised to look for export markets as oversupply looms

The Thai Electric Vehicle Assn. (EVAT) is urging manufacturers of electric vehicles (EVs) in Thailand to prepare for oversupply in the next few years due to the production requirement under the EV 3.0 policy.

The policy offers import tax exemption for EV makers, as well as other subsidies, but mandates them to produce the cars locally at a ratio of 1:1 to those imported in 2024 (importing 1 EV for every 1 locally produced EV) and a 1:1.5 ratio for cars imported in 2025 (importing 1 EV for every 1.5 locally produced EVs). Continued … 

GAC AION charges ahead in Thailand with new EV hub in Rayong

China’s fourth-largest electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer, GAC AION New Energy Automobile, is gearing up to revolutionize Thailand’s automotive landscape with the inauguration of a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Rayong’s Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) on July 17.

Industry Minister Pimphattra Wichaikul announced that the cutting-edge plant, costing 2.3 billion baht, is poised to kick off operations by November. Boasting an annual production capacity of 50,000 units, the new facility underscores Thailand’s ambition to become a regional EV manufacturing powerhouse. Continued … 

Indonesia’s strategic EV battery ambitions

Indonesia has inaugurated Southeast Asia’s first electric vehicle (EV) battery plant in West Java. This pioneering facility boasts an estimated annual capacity of 10 gigawatt hours (GWh) of battery cells, enough to power 150,000 electric vehicles.

The project marks a significant milestone in Indonesia’s push toward dominating the EV market in the region. With ambitious growth plans, the consortium intends to double the plant’s capacity to 20 GWh, backed by a sizeable investment of US$2 billion. Continued … 

Khanom Beach-Southern Islands National Park planned to protect pink dolphins

The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation is accelerating efforts to establish the Khanom Beach-Southern Islands National Park after 34 years of preparation.

Officials anticipate the park’s official declaration within two years, aiming to enhance conservation efforts for the rare and endangered pink dolphins, along with other marine life and forest resources. Continued … 

Healing for body and soul at 4 ‘Tourism Cares’ hotels committed to sustainable leisure

Thailand currently has nine certified Tourism Cares hotels, five of which use the CF-Hotels platform to reduce their carbon footprint.

Tourism Cares is a U.S.-based non-profit organization that promotes sustainability in the travel and tourism industry. Its network covers over 160 tourism partners in various sectors worldwide, ranging from hotels, restaurants, and tour operators to museums and learning centers. Continued …