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‘Forever chemicals’ in rainwater exceed safe levels

New research shows that rainwater in most locations on Earth contains levels of chemicals that “greatly exceed” safety levels. These synthetic substances called PFAS are used in non-stick pans, fire-fighting foam and water-repellent clothes.

Dubbed ‘forever chemicals’, they persist for years in the environment. Such is their prevalence now that scientists say there is no safe space on Earth to avoid them. Continued … 

PFAS in rainwater: What it means for health

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) — also known as “forever chemicals” — are a known hazard to global human health. Because these synthetic chemicals pollute the natural environment, including drinking water, research links PFAS exposure to health issues including liver damage, women’s fertility issues, gestational diabetes, and certain cancers.

Now, a new study from Stockholm University reports the amount of PFAS in rainwater exceeds the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lifetime Drinking Water Health Advisory levels. Researchers also found rainwater is often above Environmental Quality Standard for Inland European Union Surface Water. Continued … 

Plant-based material can remediate PFAS, new research suggests

A novel technology that can efficiently bind to and break down per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment was developed by scientists at Texas A&M Agrilife Research, with support from an NIEHS Superfund Research Program individual research grant.

The new approach uses a plant-based material that adsorbs PFAS, and microbial fungi that literally eat up the so-called “forever chemicals.” The findings, which were published in Nature Communications, could provide a powerful solution for finally getting rid of these contaminants. Continued … 

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